
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, mammon, a biblical term for riches, was often used to describe the debasing influence of material wealth. Furthermore, in the New Testament, it was used to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain[1].

Fiat is the epitome of those definitions and bitcoin is antithetical to them, in the way that I have grown to appreciate Satoshi’s discovery. Now it is not lost on me that I went down the rabbit hole in the pursuit of gains and perhaps that is why I was tricked by altcoins and other unscrupulous endeavors that I can delve into later. While I see what I and millions of others did and do, I am now here for the revolution. Bitcoin is more than just engineering and computer science. It is also a social system, live payment system, an economic system, and a financial system [2].

I recently heard someone say that generation wealth ends up in the nose of the next generation and I was taken aback. How many stories have you heard of this occurring? Granddad and Ma built a massive business and the grandkids lost it is a story as old as time. What really is generational wealth is the lessons of hard times and the triumphs over them, the ways to offer value to each other, the skills of the homestead, the Golden Rule, and the litany of other lessons that have diminished in abundance over the last few decades. What my wife and I are doing is reducing the hold that the fiat world has on us, moving towards a bitcoin standard, teaching our kids the ways of the world, and finding ways to help others find their way west. Will we get rich with bitcoin? Maybe, but I don’t give a shit, that’s not the point. What are you doing to help others in this time of change? Ir- is a prefix meaning opposite and mammon is fiat. If you visit, it will redirect to Join us on the proverbial ark that bitcoin provides when the fiat floods come, and they are coming.


[2]: The Blocksize War by Jonathan Bier; page 71


Muse 009: Spirit & Two Wolves